Tag Archives: Jig

Hønsefødder og Gulerødder

This drum score was written back in 2008 to be part of a set of traditional Danish folk tunes. It ended up being slightly modified and used as the ending tune and drum score of a grade 4 band medley. In the Danish set it would typically follow a slow air called “Den gamle skærslippers forårssang” and a march “En yndig og frydefuld sommertid” (the drum score for this one can be found in the archive). The level of the drum score was made to fit beginner drummers as it would often be something the band would play at gigs or during concerts. Notice that each part is not repeated – however it sounds nice when played through the entire tune twice. It works very effective for the overall presentation with a drumming break in part 1 when repeating the tune, and with a nice drum layering uptake to part 2. One thing that can also make this rather easy jig drum score work very nicely is, if you keep the Continue reading

Banjo Breakdown

A new year – 2016 – and a new shared drum score of the week is up. This time it’s for a 4-parted jig for the experienced drummer, looking for a challenge. The drum score was written over this last month for a local Danish grade 4 band with an experienced drum corp. I think the tune was challenging to write a drum score for, because of the Continue reading

Glasgow Police Pipers

The last score of the week of November is a beginner drum score for the 4 parted jig Glasgow Police Pipers. The score was written for a drum corp that has never before played jig. This is hopefully reflected in the drum score, in the way that there’s a lot of eight notes (as in the tune) and also the score is written to be without too many technical challenges. Yet, there’s some challenges in Continue reading

Out of the air

This weeks score of the week was written only one week ago. The drum score was written for a grade 4B drum corp of drummers who hasn’t played a jig drum score before as a corp and where each individual player has very little or no experience playing jigs. The drum corp consist of players of different levels, but all on a somewhat beginner level, who doesn’t always get to play all together at once.

The idea of the drum score was to make an easy score, to introduce the 6/8 jig feel and idiom without making each player worry too much about the technical aspect. However, there is a few tough Continue reading

Rocking The Baby

The theme of the shared scores of the week of August will be 2 parted drum scores suitable for both grade 4b and 4a medleys. This first one was written for grade 4 band in Denmark back in 2008. It was written to fit the level of drummers who had not play other stuff than the standard marches. The challenge here was to make a score that wasn’t too difficult yet still had some stuff in there to work on. Therefore I introduced the Continue reading

McGuires Jig

Since I failed to upload a drum score last week – I’ll be sharing two drum scores this week.

This last drum score of July (yes, I know it’s now August), is following the theme of July – 4 parted competition type drum scores – is a one of my first drum scores I wrote. It was written back in 1999 to play in a medley with Holbæk Pipe Band and is presented on the CD “Debut” of the same band. Since writing it I brought it to Piping Hot Summer Drummer as part of my drumming gear – scores, sticks, pads and all. I had the chance there to get some help, tips and inspiration from J. Reid Maxwell with the score about places in there, that I wasn’t really pleased with. It was a really great experience. Since then I’ve often used other drummers (and pipers) opinion about drum scores and ensemble when writing a drum score. Especially the 4th part was spiced up a bit from the original version in for example Continue reading

Donald McLeod

This weeks drum score was written back in 2011 for a Danish drummer to compete in the advanced HJ competition at Copenhagen Winter Competition. The score follows the structure of the tune – repeating the 3rd & 4th bar of the parts 1&3 and 2&4. For the ending I thought of a few different options but ended up with this rather fancy run of Continue reading

Drew James MacIntosh

A new month – a new theme. 4 parted drum scores suitable for solo competitions.

This first score of july was written in 2009 for the Balagan concerts. After a nice slow air, we played the jig twice – second time through we added guitar, bass and drum kit. A very nice opener to the concert. This drum score was written to fit the tune nicely, yet still provide the drive to the overall presentation of the pipe band. A good example of this is Continue reading

A Dram Before You Go

This two parted jig followed last weeks jig in a medley of a Scottish grade 3A band. This drum score was written to make a nice flow with the melody as well as being easy to control and memorize.  There’s quite a few short roll movements in there that could be opened up to spice up the drum score or to simply challenge yourself in playing swiss-ruffs instead of rolls. When arranging the drum corp with a piper from the pipe corp, he (the piper) came up with idea of Continue reading

Tripping Up The Stairs

Following last weeks 2 parted intro hornpipe – the theme for this months drum scores will be 2 parted tunes to fit in a medley. The drum score for this jig was written in 2006 for a Scottish grade 3 band for their medley. The jig was the first of two traditional jigs in that particular medley (the second one will follow next week). The drum score has quite a few challenging flam movement that could be made easier (if needed) by for example Continue reading

Inspector Donald Campbell of Ness

The last advanced jig drum score this time around was written for a Danish solo drummer to compete at the Copenhagen Winter Competition. The score was written to give some challenge yet not be too difficult for a solo competition. The tune has a lot of long notes from beat to beat and can be hard to write to. I found that a good mix of Continue reading

Meter Man

This jig drum score was also a part of the 2008 Balagan concert medley. It was played just after the intro and was followed by Donald MacLean. In the recording attached below, you’ll hear the break into Donald MacLean. I chose to make two different endings for the the 1st part to make sort of a break in the score before entering the 2nd part. In the second part we also deicided to Continue reading

Donald MacLean

A new month – and a new theme. Jigs at the advanced level. This shared score of the week was written back in 2007 for the first Balagan concert medley. In the medley we started off with a three parted hornpipe followed by a 2-parted jig. And then as we entered this jig, we had a two bar drumming break in the first two bars of the tune. I’m not sure wether the tenors actually did played something in the break. Anyway, the recording I’ve made to go along with the score, does not include the break. For me, the highlight of the Continue reading