Tag Archives: 6Parts

The Highland Wedding

This weeks shared drum score was written a number of years on request by a drumming student of mine who wanted to play this tune with one of his piper friends who knew this tune The Highland Wedding already. I’ve never really been a particular fan of the tune, but I’ve played in many bands and with a lot of different drum scores. Most famous is probably the Jim Kilpatrick drum score for this tune which seems to be almost a “massed bands” drum score for grade 1 drummers.

This drum score was meant to fit the experienced beginner drummer looking for a challenge or the straight up experienced drummer. It’s got a few challenging Continue reading

The Brown Haired Maid

This drum score was written for myself to compete at the Copenhagen Winter Competition back in March this year. A piper friend of mine really like this tune and encouraged me to write a drum score for it, and also encouraged me to go and compete. I had a lot of fun writing this drum score, and also playing it in competition. The long roll beginning the 6th part was suggested to me by a piper friend of mine, because Continue reading