Category Archives: Experienced

The 24th Guards Brigade At Anzio

This weeks shared drum score was written for the Cross Borders Pipe Band – for the MSR. We’re going to compete with this at the World Championships in Glasgow this year (2024). This past weekend we had a band rehersal weekend in Copenhagen and, we had planned to finish it off by performing in public at Kongens Nytorv right next to The Royal Theatre and famous Nyhavn. However unsteady weather meant that we thought we could spend the time better rehersing inside. Anyhow.

The drum score starts off with a Continue reading

Jock Wilson’s Ball

This drum score was written for the uplifting, positive and melodic reel Jock Wilson’s Ball. It’s my 2nd drum score for this tune – this time written for the experienced drummer to be play by a local band for their “easy” MSR in grade 4 competitions.

The most challenging part of the score is the accented rolls – especially in bar Continue reading

The Rock And The Wee Pickle Tow

This weeks shared drum score was written for a 2 parted jig called The Rock And The Wee Pickle Tow – not only chosen because of it’s name…, it is also a very cool tune. I believe it was originally a 6/8 march, however this is written to a recording of the tune in a jig version made by the PM of Oslo Caledonian Pipe Band, Nikolai Hagen Huse.

The score is pretty straight forward and simple, however Continue reading

The Highland Wedding

This weeks shared drum score was written a number of years on request by a drumming student of mine who wanted to play this tune with one of his piper friends who knew this tune The Highland Wedding already. I’ve never really been a particular fan of the tune, but I’ve played in many bands and with a lot of different drum scores. Most famous is probably the Jim Kilpatrick drum score for this tune which seems to be almost a “massed bands” drum score for grade 1 drummers.

This drum score was meant to fit the experienced beginner drummer looking for a challenge or the straight up experienced drummer. It’s got a few challenging Continue reading

The Gardens Of Skye

This weeks shared drum score was written for a local pipe band, as to be the first of their new 4/4 march set. The level is for the experienced drummer. In this particular drum score I decided to go for a lot of single runs of 5. The tune has a lot of long notes which leaves a lot of space for either drumming or silence from the drummers. Here, I chose the first in most cases.

I guess the most challenging part of the drum score is in the very first bar of part 2, where there’s a lot of triplets and Continue reading


This weeks shared drum score is the last in a set of three 4/4 marches. It was written for a local grade 4 band with an aim to compete in Scotland. In Denmark, this tune is often played in a 4/4 set of Scotland The Brave, Wings & Rowan Tree, so I’ve heard this tune lots of times. However, this if the first time I’ve written a specific drum score for this tune.

The technical level of the drum score matches that of the precious 2 shared drum scores – sort of in between Continue reading

Wha Saw The 42nd

This drum score was written as the 2nd piece of a 4/4 set – and for a local grade 4 pipe band aiming towards competing. The technical level of the drum score follows the level of last weeks shared drum score, with lots of the same rhythmical patterns.

I’ve got some chips written out for this drum score as well. Get in touch with me, if you’re interested in getting those, and I will Continue reading


This weeks shared drum score was written for a local grade 4 band. It was going to be the opener of their competition set with the aim to compete at the World Pipe Band Championships in Scotland.

I’ve always enjoyed the uplifting spirit of the 4/4 march type. Let there be more 4/4 marches in pipe band! Generally. This drum score is fairly straight forward to the tune and has a lot of different movements, such as Continue reading

Alick C MacGregor

This weeks shared drum score was written for the very melodic reel Alick C MacGregor. I’ve heard it played many times by solo players over the year, and always found it very pleasing to listen to, so it was a nice challenge to write something for this great tune. It’s written for the experienced/advanced level and presents a few challenges such as Continue reading

Loch Loskin

This first shared drum score of 2022 was written to be the strathspey of an MSR for a band of experienced players who wanted a drum score with a challenging edge to it. So here we go. The score is meant to fit the better experienced to advanced drummers. The chips/unison written in there, help to further express the dynamics in the drum score, which should be reflected in the attached recording. The most challenging stuff in there is probably Continue reading


This weeks shared drum score was written as an intro to a medley for a band of experienced players. In this particular version they played the tune without repeats (I guess to make room for longer tunes later on in the selection). I decided to make a small change in the 2nd part to create a better overall flow – you can hear the change being played in the recording although it’s not written into the drum score sheet. There are some challenging Continue reading

Johnnys Jig

This weeks drum score was written for a Danish band and drum corp of experienced drummers seeking a drum score for this neat short jig. I first time played something to this tune back in ’99, so it was a nice re-visit to write something for this tune again. The aim was to not to make the drum score too difficult to execute, yet at the same time make it possible to express a lot of dynamic. For example, I think, that the Continue reading