Category Archives: Experienced

Caller Herrin

This weeks shared drum score was written in 2020 for a tiny local Danish pipe band with just one snare drummer. He wanted something specific for the tune, so I wrote this drum score for him. Notice that the form/structure of this particula score is 1, 1, 2, 1, so no repeat of the 2nd part. It’s written for the more experienced beginner level. It has some challenges build in – for example the Continue reading

Farewell To Nigg

This weeks shared drum score is another version of the 6/4 march Farewell To Nigg. It was written back in 2013 for a grade 4 drum corp to be played as the first tune in their march selection. The tune itself has some very long notes which delivers the dilemma; play the long roll, hold the break or fill the gap with rhythmic excitement. I’ve tried to Continue reading

King George 5th Army

This weeks shared drum score was written for an experienced Danish drummer to play for solos, I believe. It was written back in 2010. I probably would write this different today – 11 years later. However, I like to share this because, maybe someone else can make use of it. It’s been sitting in my drum score folder for many years now. It was a funny Continue reading

Tommy Tullys Air

This weeks shared drum score was written for a grade 4 bands medley selection and was meant to fit the level of beginner to experienced side drummers. The drum score has the typical slow air build up with a lot of room for the pipers in the 1st part, and then adding more beats for the 2nd part. At the end I added in the bridge to the Continue reading

Jock Wilson’s Ball

The shared drum score of this week was written for the reel Jock Wilson’s Ball back in June 2020 during my drum score writing challenge of writing one drum score pr. day. I’ve always enjoyed listening to this tune, and therefore decided I would go for making a drum score for it.

The level is aimed to be for the experienced level, however there’s is probably a few patterns in there that some would regard as being advanced – for example the Continue reading

Loch Lomond

This weeks shared drum score was written last year for a local Danish band to be played in a concert setting and at festivals and gigs. It was made for the popular tune Loch Lomond. The level of the drum score is for the experienced drummer.

It’s played all the way through before you repeat the tune and the drum score. Notice that everybody plays all of it, except from the solo part noted in the drum score with “LD only”. The drum score is filled with triplet patterns with flams, so these things could make a good exercise itself. Feel like practising more triplets? Then have a look at the technique exercises page and Continue reading

The Gael

This weeks shared drum score was written last year for a local Danish band for the tune The Gael, known from the film “The Last of the Mohicans”. It was written for the beginner to experienced level- I would say that a beginner with some experience should be able to play this. The hard thing here is really the musical idiom for 6/8 marches and for 6/8 jig.

The tune starts off with a piping solo part, which then transforms into a march and then a jig. I tried to make the drum score fairly easy Continue reading

Bonnie Dundee

This weeks drum score was written for one of my favourite massed bands 6/8’s. I really thinki, by the way, that a lot more massed bands should be playing 6/8’s. The 6/8 rhythm has got such a nice swing and also sounds impressive.

I wrote this drum score for the experienced to advanced level back in June 2020 during my “One-Drum-Score-a-Day” challenge. I’ve always liked the tune, which I heard for the first time when I came to Continue reading

The Panda

This weeks shared drum score was written for a very popular tune composed by Gordon Duncan called the The Panda. I’ve heard this tune played by many solo pipers, bands and solo drummers over the years. It’s very catchy, and it’s one of those tunes where you as a drummer can play almost anything to it, and it will sound good. It’s also one of those tunes that can easily be arranged in multiple ways to fit into a selection or a concert set by adding different uptakes, breaks and syncopations. I wrote this drum score to the standard version of the tune. The drum score should be drumable for any drummers at the experienced/advanced level. Notice that the Continue reading

Dornoch Links

The shared drum score of this week was written this summer for a tune called Dornoch Links. I really like this tune, and I think it should be played more, than I believe it does (maybe I just don’t hear it or listen for it). I played this tune in my very first season of competing in the solos back in 1994. I particularly recall that day at the Scandinavian Championships in Holbæk (what a nice venue in Strandparken, by the water) where I played in the intermediate class, in front of David Brown Sr. who was judging, and unexpectedly (for me) won 1st. place. I had already left Holbæk (for some reason I don’t recall) at the time of the prize giving, so someone else from the band picked up the trophy, diploma and judges sheet and handed it to me later on. I don’t remember anything from that original drum score I played, but I decided to revisit the tune by writing this new drum score for it. I think it should be drumable for beginners, although the endings in the 2nd part might be hard to Continue reading

Aspen Bank

This weeks shared drum score was written for the strathspey Aspen Bank. It’s another tune that I remember playing earlier on in my pipe band drumming journey with Holbæk Pipe Band. I believe that the tune is relatively easy for the pipers, however it can be tricky for drummers with the number of tachums in there that we should try to express as well. In this drum score I was aiming for the experienced level, however some might suggest that this should be for the advanced level, and therefore I will tick both categories for this drum score. Especially the Continue reading

I See Mull

This weeks shared drum score was written back in June during the selfmade challenge I gave myself of writing a drum score every day of that month. It’s written for the 3/4 march I See Mull, which I have known since I played it back in the early nineties with a grade 4 band in Copenhagen, Denmark. Back then, we played it as the last of four 3/4 marches, and I remember being a little bit exhausted/tired/bored by the end of that set at the time. Now I actually fancy the tune – funny how things change some times. The level for this drum score was meant to be for the Continue reading

Hamiltons Nutsack

The beats shared this week was written for the exciting tune Hamiltons Nutsack. The first time I heard this tune, it was played by the 1st Royal Engineers from Sweden. And then later I played the tune with Robert Malcolm Memorial Pipe Band in 1999. I decided to give it a shot, to write a drum score for this tune on my June-challenge of writing a drum score every day in that month. The level is for the experienced player. The tune itself is very interesting a suggests a lot of off beats in the drumming, so that’s what I sort of Continue reading

Fraser Of Cairnie

This weeks shared drum score was written for Paul Wilson, who wrote me a suggestion for a drum score I should write when I did my June-challenge of 1 drum score pr. day in June. It’s written for the march Fraser Of Cairnie. It’s written for drummers at the experienced level. I particularly like the endings of this tune, and find the drumming here very Continue reading

The Duke Of Gordon’s Birthday

This weeks shared score was written back in 2001 for a Danish grade 4 band. It was meant to be played in a medley. The level of the drum score is for the experienced drummer. There some drag movements in there that can be tricky to master, for example in the endings with the accented rolls. The key part in this drum score is the Continue reading